Find your perfect candidate with a recruitment service that saves you time and delivers results

job norway

What makes Us the Best choice for your Recruitment needs?

At Job Norway, we understand the pivotal role that the right talent plays in driving the success of your business. With our commitment to excellence, we offer different recruitment solutions designed to cater to your unique needs. Whether you seek a one-time recruitment service or comprehensive full-service support, Job Norway has you covered.
Hiring personnel through our company is a simple, flexible, time- and cost-saving solution if you are looking for qualified employees from all over Europe.

Let Our Experts Do the Work

No more time wasted on screening CVs and pre-qualifying interviews. We aim to take the hassle out of the recruitment process, so you can focus on running your business. When it comes to hospitality recruitment we take care of both the needs of our clients and candidates. We want to create the perfect fit, drawing from a huge database of staff suitable for different roles.

Job advertisement

Effortless Process: Simply fill out our form or just send us an email with your guidelines and we will take care of the rest.

Multi-platform Exposure: Your job advertisements will be broadcasted across all our platforms for maximum visibility

Private Database: We will send job ads through our private software, where we have over 4000 candidates from all over Europe.

Talented candidates

The majority of our candidates come from Europe, bringing diverse skills and experiences to the table.

Personalized Interviews: Our recruiters conduct thorough interviews with applicants via video calls, ensuring a personal touch in the selection process.

Verified Recommendations: We check recommendations to ensure that we present you with the most suitable candidates.

Three-way Interviews: We can prep a three-way interview involving the client, the job seeker, and Job Norway, facilitated through Teams or Google Meet. This collaborative approach ensures a clear impression of each candidate’s suitability for the role.


We take care of the paperwork and contract.

Transparent Communication: We keep job seekers informed about their selection status every step of the way.
Practical Arrangements: Once selected, we swiftly initiate the necessary practical arrangements to facilitate a seamless transition.

Contract Signing: Employment contracts are conveniently sent electronically for signature. Each contract is meticulously crafted to adhere to Norwegian labor laws and undergoes inspection and approval by Arbeidstilsynet (the Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority).

Assist the candidates

Personalized Support: We provide comprehensive assistance to our selected candidates.

Travel Arrangements: Our team assists in searching for travel arrangements, ensuring a smooth journey to Norway. We aim to facilitate a quick and safe arrival for candidates, minimizing any hassles associated with relocation.

Destination Insights: Providing valuable feedback on the destination, we assist candidates in familiarizing themselves with Norway, its culture, and other services they may require.


Comprehensive Registration Services: We handle all the necessary registrations for selected employees within the Norwegian system.

Tax Administration Registration: Our team ensures that employees are registered with the Tax Administration, facilitating the acquisition of a personal identification number and a tax card.

Work-hour management

In 2023 we launched our private software NUFFI. 

NUFFI is your all-in-one solution for efficient and effective recruitment and employee management.

Work-hour management – we do all the work.

Clients simply need to confirm hours, and we take care of the rest, ensuring smooth and efficient operations.

From the 1st of April 2023, there were new rules for hiring personnel through staffing industry

In practice, this means that hotels and restaurants can only hire staff if they are members of a trade union with the right to make recommendations, i.e. at least 10,000 members. If you are a member of NHO Reiseliv, then you will have the opportunity to hire personnel from us. Whether or not a trade union has the right to submit proposals should appear on their website.
If you are not a member of a union, then don't worry. We can go forward with the BASIC package.
More information about the rules prepared by NHO

Our Recruitment Packages

🔍 Tailored Recruitment Packages

We believe in flexibility and are open to any kind of solution that aligns with your business goals. No matter the scope or complexity of your recruitment needs, Job Norway is here to find the optimal solution for you.

📞 Book Your Free Consultation

Ready to take the next step in finding your next top talent? Get in touch with us to schedule a free, no-obligation initial call. In just 10-15 minutes, we’ll walk you through our services and benefits while listening to your recruitment requirements, both present and future.


1 time recruitment

Our one-time recruitment service is ideal for businesses looking to fill a specific position long-tem. With this option, you'll benefit from our extensive network and expertise in sourcing and screening candidates.

For clients who are:

- not a member of any union
- looking for long-term workers

What does it include?

Job Posting and Advertising: We’ll craft compelling job descriptions and advertise your vacancy across multiple platforms to attract top talent.

Candidate Screening: Our team will carefully review resumes, conduct initial screenings, and shortlist candidates who meet your criteria.

Interview Coordination: We’ll schedule interviews, facilitate communication between you and the candidates, and provide support throughout the interview process.

Candidate Selection: Once interviews are complete, you’ll have the final say in selecting the candidate who best fits your requirements.


Full service recruitment

For businesses seeking comprehensive support throughout the recruitment and working process. This solution is designed to alleviate the burden of recruitment entirely from your shoulders, allowing you to focus on your core business activities.

For clients who are

- a member of a union ( at least 10,000 members)
- looking for seasonal/short-term workers

What does it include?

Job Posting and Advertising: We’ll craft compelling job descriptions and advertise your vacancy across multiple platforms to attract top talent.

Candidate Screening: Our team will carefully review resumes, conduct initial screenings, and shortlist candidates who meet your criteria.

Interview Coordination: We’ll schedule interviews, facilitate communication between you and the candidates, and provide support throughout the interview process.

Candidate Selection: Once interviews are complete, you’ll have the final say in selecting the candidate who best fits your requirements.

Onboarding Support: Our commitment doesn’t end with hiring. We’ll provide onboarding support to ensure a smooth transition for your new hires, helping them integrate seamlessly into your team.

Registration Services: We handle all the necessary registrations for selected employees within the Norwegian system Altinn. Our team ensures that employees are registered with the Tax Administration, facilitating the acquisition of a personal identification number and a tax card.

Work-hour management: Our private software streamlines work-hour management. Clients simply need to confirm hours, and we take care of the rest, ensuring smooth and efficient operations.

Salary payment: Job Norway is responsible for paying wages, holiday pay, employer’s leave, and occupational injury insurance.

Ongoing Relationship: We believe in building long-term partnerships with our clients. Even after recruitment, we’ll remain available to address any concerns or provide additional support as needed.

Why choose Job Norway?

We Care

We prioritize our clients and candidates. Our goal is to make a meaningful difference in people's lives by offering personalized support and guidance.


A huge database of great talent and best professionals from all over Europe


Our effectiveness extends to recruiting for various positions across different locations, ensuring seamless and successful outcomes.

Do Less Work

We reduce the workload of your internal HR team and hiring managers. Provide a fast, cost-effective, reliable service that integrates with your process.

Our Happy Clients!

Elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo. Nam varius consectetur. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Jemma Stone

CEO, Acme Industries

Elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo. Nam varius consectetur. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Kelly Joe

CEO, Acme Industries

Elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo. Nam varius consectetur. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Stella Alba

CEO, Acme Industries

Fill out our form for a job advertisment

Advertising a job offer can be a challenge, but with the right approach, it can also be a highly
effective way to attract top talent. To get the best result in finding new employees it’s crucial to
have correct and detailed information.
Our office is more than happy to assist in making the description for you.

Need help or have a question?

At Job Norway, you don’t have to leave messages with a third-party operator or talk to an answering machine. You will always talk directly to an experienced manager.

Meet our HR-manager

Helen Kasepuu

Helen has worked at Job Norway since 2008.

As our HR Manager, she provides high-quality and compliant HR advice across the full spectrum of HR services for our clients and candidates.

She is a crucial support for both customers and employees and ensures lasting partnerships that drive our vision forward.
+47 938 14 212
Norwegian, English, Estonian

Things to consider

What do you need to know about recruiting personnel abroad? How to have the best job ads, so you find the right people? What is our private recruitment software NUFFI? How to make an international worker feel welcome in your establishment?

Job advertisment

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Onboarding Excellence

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adip iscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt.Onboard newly
hired candidates

Frequently Asked Questions

Job Norway is a Norwegian-run staffing agency with offices in Norway, Estonia and Finland. Our employees mainly come from the EU and are handpicked based on their professional qualifications, education, language skills and human qualities. We are a reliable partner if you are looking for staffing for a hotel or restaurant for a shorter or longer period.

We prioritize our clients and candidates. Our goal is to make a meaningful difference in people’s lives by offering personalized support and guidance.

We believe in flexibility and are open to any kind of solution that aligns with your business goals. No matter the scope or complexity of your recruitment needs, Job Norway is here to find the optimal solution for you.

Requesting a quote for our services is completely free of charge. Upon request, we initiate the process by opening a job ad and commencing the search for qualified candidates. Whether you require a one-time recruitment service or comprehensive full-service support, we’re here to assist you.

Our pricing structure takes into account the qualifications and experience of the candidates. It covers essential components such as the employee’s salary, holiday pay, employer’s tax, OTP, occupational injury insurance, and our service surcharge.

Once we’ve identified suitable candidates, we present them to you for consideration. You retain full control, deciding whether to proceed with any of the options presented.

Get in touch with us to schedule a free, no-obligation initial call. In just 10-15 minutes, we’ll walk you through our services and benefits while listening to your recruitment requirements, both present and future.

We recruit professionals, who have an EU passport or who already obtained a work permit from Norwegian authorities.

We leverage our extensive database and various channels to swiftly locate suitable candidates.

Typically, the process of identifying and facilitating the relocation of an employee to Norway spans about 2-3 weeks, sometimes even less.

However, the timeline may vary depending on factors such as the season and the level of detail available regarding the job offer.

Job Norway is a Norwegian employment agency specializing in staffing solutions for the HoReCa sector.

Our expertise lies in providing skilled professionals such as chefs, waiters, hotel workers, housekeepers, and receptionists.

Yes, we do.

Job Posting and Advertising: We’ll craft compelling job descriptions and advertise your vacancy across multiple platforms to attract top talent.

Candidate Screening: Our team will carefully review resumes, conduct initial screenings, and shortlist candidates who meet your criteria.

Interview Coordination: We’ll schedule interviews, facilitate communication between you and the candidates, and provide support throughout the interview process.

Candidate Selection: Once interviews are complete, you’ll have the final say in selecting the candidate who best fits your requirements.

Onboarding Support: Our commitment doesn’t end with hiring. We’ll provide onboarding support to ensure a smooth transition for your new hires, helping them integrate seamlessly into your team.

Registration Services: We handle all the necessary registrations for selected employees within the Norwegian system Altinn. Our team ensures that employees are registered with the Tax Administration, facilitating the acquisition of a personal identification number and a tax card.

Work-hour management: Our private software streamlines work-hour management. Clients simply need to confirm hours, and we take care of the rest, ensuring smooth and efficient operations.

Salary payment: Job Norway is responsible for paying wages, holiday pay, employer’s leave, and occupational injury insurance.

Ongoing Relationship: We believe in building long-term partnerships with our clients. Even after recruitment, we’ll remain available to address any concerns or provide additional support as needed.

At Job Norway, you don’t have to leave messages with a third-party operator or talk to an answering machine. You will always talk directly to an experienced manager.

Contct Helen Kasepuu
+47 938 14 212
Norwegian, English, Estonian

We believe in flexibility and are open to any kind of solution that aligns with your business goals. No matter the scope or complexity of your recruitment needs, Job Norway is here to find the optimal solution for you.

The basic package is more suitable for 1-time recruitment.

The premium package is more suitable for full service.

NUFFI is our private recruitment software designed for our hiring processes. Here’s a detailed description of what NUFFI offers:

  • Streamlined Application Process: NUFFI streamlines and optimizes the application process, enabling candidates to submit their information swiftly and effortlessly.

  • Advanced Candidate Matching: NUFFI empowers recruiters to efficiently identify the most suitable candidates for any job opening, saving time and effort while ensuring the best talent is hired.

As a Client, you can:

  • Update Your Information: Easily update your contact details, locations, and mobile numbers, and upload essential files.

  • Add Representatives: Assign representatives, such as a head chef, who require access to manage tasks like confirming hours.

  • Create Job Offer Drafts: Generate new job offer drafts within NUFFI, which will be reviewed and confirmed by our team.

  • Access Contracts: View contracts for your current and past employees conveniently within the software.

  • Manage Work Hours: Monitor and confirm employees’ work hours with ease.

  • Receive Notifications: Stay informed with notifications regarding shortcomings in work hours, ongoing conversations with employees, and expiring contracts.

NUFFI is your all-in-one solution for efficient and effective recruitment and employee management.

Fill out the form

To get a better and faster result by finding a new employee, we strongly recommend filling in the form.

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