Step-by-Step guidelines for new applicants

Let's start from the beginning

Step 1: Send us your CV

We can only hire candidates with EU citizenship/passport or with a working permit that Norwegian authorities have given out.

Send us your up-to-date resume with a photo of yourself. Need inspiration? Click here

Check that your phone number, e-mail address, and birth date are correct.

Add your work experience in chronological order (month/year) and describe your tasks. 

Add 1 or 2 recommendation letters. It will give you a huge advantage in applying for a job.

Send your resume through our website

Step 2: Interview

Prepare yourself

  • Make sure you have sent us your correct phone number for WhatsApp
  • Pick a quiet room, where you are not interrupted
  • Make sure your camera works on your phone or laptop
  • Be on time or let us know ASAP if you need to change the time

Think of these questions ahead:

  • What are your expectations?
  • When would you be able to start?
  • What kind of work are you looking for?
  • Are you willing to work in places that are outside big cities?

Step 3: NUFFI and Job Offers

Based on the interview we will add you to our database NUFFI and send the login details.

In 2023 we launched a new software called NUFFI, which will make the recruitment process even more seamless and efficient.

With NUFFI, you can now take control of your job search and make updates to your profile at any time.

Job offers are also sent out through the system. So keep an eye out when you get an email where the sender is

Step 4: The Contract

If both sides are happy and the date is set, then we will send you a contract with all the details of the terms and conditions. Please read it carefully!

The Contract is by Norwegian law – all the taxes go to Norway.

The Employee working in Norway through Job Norway NUF is being treated as a Service Provider and due to that many legislations for foreign workers do not apply to workers of Job Norway NUF to the same extent.

Tax info

The Employee who works for a Norwegian employer is subject to taxation in Norway. The Employer is obligated to fill in and submit the application forms 1199 and 1209 about the Employee. The Employee has to go to the local tax office for ID validation as soon as the appointment can be booked. The Employee will get a D-number with the Tax card that the authorities use to identify the person. Details about a person’s details are sent by post to his/her home address or working place. The tax deduction card will not be issued until the worker has been to an ID check. Without a tax deduction card, the employer must deduct 50 percent tax.

Read more information here:

ID or D-number?

Employees with EU citizenship have a right to work and live in Norway for 90 days without a residence permit.

D-number is necessary for the employees who work in Norway for less than 6 months, unlike the ID number which is made for long-term contracts. It is necessary to go to the local Police office after 3 months of working and apply for the ID number.

Most banks demand an ID or D-number, passport/ID card and a contract to open a bank account.

Read more here:


Every month workers get paid for worked hours calculated from the first to the last date of the month.

The Employee is paid at an hourly rate. Unless otherwise agreed, the hourly pay shall be paid at the latest on the 17. day of the month, according to correctly inserted work hours confirmed by the client.

The pay shall be in Norwegian currency and shall be transferred to a Norwegian or native account specified by the Employee.

In accordance with the prevention agreement of double taxing between the EU and Norway, the Employee is obligated to pay taxes to Norway from the salary earned in Norway.

Vacation money and overtime will be paid at the end of the contract period.

European Health Insurance Card

Before you go, you have to organize a European Health Insurance Card

What is the European Health Insurance Card?
A free card that gives you access to medically necessary, state-provided healthcare during a temporary stay in any of the 27 EU countries, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland under the same conditions and at the same cost (free in some countries) as people insured in that country.

How do you obtain a card?
You obtain a card by contacting the health insurance institution where you are insured and which is therefore responsible for assuming your healthcare costs.

Who can benefit from the card?
To be eligible for a card, you must be insured by or covered by a state social security system in any Member State of the European Union, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway or Switzerland.

Read more here:

Step 5: Travel to Norway

We will help you with combining the itinerary to the workplace.

Job Norway will not pay for travel tickets. If the contract will end successfully and both sides are happy then we can have another talk about it.

Links to help you:

Multi-modal routes to easily get you from A to B:

Norwegian public transportation:

Step 6: Working in Norway

By the contract, The Employee works on the bases of summarized working time with the calculation period of the whole working period. It means, that overtime will be calculated and paid at the end of the contract.

Working hours should be added in the NUFFI system for the previous week each Monday.

The worker is obliged to take a 30-minute break on all shifts longer than 5,5 hours. The amount of minutes will be deducted from these shifts automatically unless otherwise agreed.

In-depth details about working in Norway you will get from your designated recruiter with our onboarding manual

Health and insurance, Pension

If the Employee has been a taxpayer in Norway for 4 weeks before the doctor’s proof of sickness or injury has been given out, the Employee has the right to sickness benefit. In case of employment injury, the Employee has a right to get the benefit starting from the first day of absence. The first 16 days will be covered by the Employer, and after that by NAV.
It is covered at least in the amount of 50%.

The contract may not be ended in a proposal of the Employer if the Employee has been away from work due to sickness or injury for up to 12 months.

In case of sickness, the Employee should inform the Employer immediately so the sickness sheet would start promptly. The Employee has a right to stay on home treatment for up to 3 days in a year. On the 4th, the doctor has to be called out.
The Employee has to pay the visit fee when seeing a doctor. Before valid insurance in Norway, it is necessary to make European Health Insurance Card.
People who visit Norway and have the European Health Insurance Card, get essential medical care as the Norwegians. Medical help is offered in the National Health Service (Lokale Trygedekontor). It is necessary to submit the European Health Insurance Card and ID. The visit fee will not be compensated.

Dental service is priced. The patient has to pay for the treatment in full sum. For patients under 18 years, dental services are free.

Employees that are living in Norway with the whole family, are entitled to child benefits after living in Norway for at least 12 months. In that case, all the payments from the home country will be stopped and will be made in Norway. The application has to be made in a local NAV office. Read more about child benefits in Norway:

A retirement pension from the National Insurance Scheme ensures income in old age. As a rule, to be entitled to a retirement pension, the person must have had pensionable income and/or have at least three years of National Insurance cover, i.e. the person must have lived and/or worked in Norway. The pension age in Norway is 67 years. Read more about pensions in Norway:

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